Kamis, 26 Februari 2009



Curug cigentis is medium wisata unggulan sub-province karawang, this curug exists dibawah hillside sanggabuana, panorama through the street very beautiful, asri, far from air pollution that exist in metropolis.
Although street [go] toes this curug only can be gone through by means of foot/feet as far as 2 kms from place park vehicle, nevertheless with treat of nature view that captivate, will not be felt us already wisata at the same time that make healthy because clean air.
Clear water that flow in rill through the street, make us terpana of natural beauty that created by lord the infinite.
Location : countryside mekarbuana, district tegalwaru, sub-province karawang
distance : 44 kms from downtown karawang


curug cipanundaan resides in hillside sanggabuan with 3 (three) fruit curug grow into ones in one areal like doorstep, curungan water are delayed in first pool, go down next in second pool, go down is being delayed in third pool, street to waterfall cipanundaan is still maiden by means of twist and turns setapak, fluctuate, pass river have the stone of big, right side bank beside left creavasse with river.
This waterfall just is found by local society, and expedisi wisata with chief team drs. Aa nugraha mk head on duty lighting, tourism and culture sub-province karawang at that moment.
Wisata to curug panundaan very weight and challenge, nevertheless beautiful panorama and still genuiness and have not yet touch by ignorant hand of hand pin-cushion, give impression that will not fall into oblivion.
Location : countryside kutamaneuh, district tegalwaru, sub-province karawang
distance : 42 kms from downtown karawang


curug bandung is nature miracle with 7 (seven) waterfall in one river stream, from start curug peuteuy, curug picung and biggest are curug bandung, this curug exists dibawah hillside sanggabuana, journey [go] toes this curug quite heavy that is by foot as far as 3 kms, but nature panorama very beautiful, asri, far from air pollution that exist in metropolis.
Although street [go] toes this curug only can be gone through by means of foot/feet wisata at the same time that make healthy because healthy and clean air.
Location : countryside mekarbuana, district tegalwaru, sub-province karawang
distance : 42 kms from downtown


exists curug cikarapyak above curug cipanundaan, journey very heavy because only footpath traces river, menibir bank fluctuate, menerabas coppice and bush forest.
Journey [go] toes this curug although weight, we will get through nature panorama that very amaze, beautiful, experience of and juicy plunged small that unique and unlikely berelif [is] on river of a kind in some other areas in indonesia.
Wisata to curug cikarapyak is only for people of correctness one who pin-cushion correctness pin-cushion loves nature and adventurer of nature challenge searcher that wish enjoy forest atmosphere with flora variety and fauna that orisinil.
Location : countryside kutamaneuh, district tegalwaru, sub-province karawang
distance : 42 kms from downtown karawang


curug cikoleangkak is last waterfall, this curug exists above curug cikarapyak and curug cipanundaan, to reach this waterfall must stamina and bravery merambah mob rule.
Journey [go] toes curug cikoleangkak is is enough erected, we will get through mob rule that maybe touched by human in finger calculation menibir ledge bank and stone precipitous and deep creavasse, walk height with only hold onto at root or stone obstrusive, menerabas coppice, trace river have the stone of big and tens of cascade with relief and unique motif maybe rareness find in other area in indonesia.
Wisata to curug cikoleangkak is only for people of correctness one who pin-cushion correctness pin-cushion pencinta real nature and for you searcher tantangna nature that race adrenalin.
Location : countryside kutamaneuh, district tegalwaru, sub-province karawang
distance : 42 kms from d
owntown karawang, West Java Indonesia


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